How to Be Great at Blackjack

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Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games around, and it’s easy to learn if you know what you’re doing.

In this post, we’ll teach you how to get started learning blackjack, from basic strategy to more advanced tips on betting strategies that will increase your odds of winning. We’ll also show you how to use our Blackjack Trainer app so that you can practice at home and make sure that you’re ready for your next trip to the casino!


Learn the basic rules of blackjack

To be great at blackjack, you need to learn the basic rules of blackjack. The first step is learning how to play blackjack.

Once you have learned the basic rules of blackjack, it’s time for you to start playing. As far as playing strategy goes, there are many different ways that players can win this game. In order to get the most out of your blackjack experience and make sure that you win on occasion or even more often than not (if possible), check out these tips:

  • Keep track of your cards – This is an essential step because it will allow you to know whether or not an upcoming round will be favourable or unfavourable for your hand. There are many different types of strategies that people use when they are trying to keep track of their cards; however, I recommend keeping them simple so that they work well every time without causing too much confusion or frustration on your part.
  • Know when to double down – If there is one thing about gambling games like this one that drives me crazy it would probably have something to do with drawing too much attention away from other aspects such as doubling down when necessary.
  • Pay attention! – The best way for anyone who wants their chance at winning money from casinos available online today (such as 888casino) then remember these two things: “Keep Track Of Your Cards” & “Know When To Double Down!”

Learn the basic blackjack strategy

First and foremost, you need to learn the basic strategy. Basic strategy is the only way to play blackjack and it’s easy to learn. It’s the same for every casino and for every game of blackjack. The basic strategy was developed by mathematicians who studied how each possible hand should be played in order to minimize your losses over time.

The game of blackjack has one objective: beat the dealer without going over 21 (a hand that includes two cards of value 10 or more). When the dealer goes over 21, he loses automatically; when a player goes over 21, he loses unless he pulls out an Ace, which means that his total is now a 1 instead of 11 points (the highest point value).

Use the table minimum as your wager.

The table minimum is the minimum bet that you can make. It’s usually one or two chips, and it’s what most people play on their first few hands. If you have a good hand and think that you have an edge over the dealer, then put down more than the table minimum. However, if your hand isn’t as strong or if sense tells you that your chances of winning are slim, then don’t risk any more than what is necessary to get in the game at all (i.e., 1 chip).

Always split Aces and 8’s

As a general rule, you should split Aces and 8’s. It’s also a good idea to split soft hands, like a 2 and 3 or 7 and 8. You can keep splitting these soft hands as long as the dealer is showing a hard hand of 10 or 11, 16 or less (e.g., 5-6), 19-21 (e.g., 9-10). If he’s showing something better than that (12+), then no splitting for you!

Hard totals: Basic Strategy

The basic strategy for hard totals is to hit on 16 or less and stand on 17 or more. This gives you a 50% chance of busting with a total of 17.

If your first two cards are 18-21 (hard total), then you should play the hand according to these rules:

  • Hit any card between 0 and 12.
  • Stand on any cards between 13-16.

Soft totals: Basic Strategy

When it comes to soft hands, you want to play a basic strategy. A soft hand is defined as a combination of cards that totals between 12 and 16. Some examples of hard hands (the ones you want to avoid at all costs) include A-2, K-10, and 9-8. The reason for these being called hard hands is simple: they’re unlikely to have any winning outcomes in the long run.

The first step in playing blackjack with proper strategy is knowing what your goal should be—in this case, making money by winning more than you lose over time. To do this, you need an understanding of how much each card will help or hurt your chances of getting another card that has a positive impact on your total value (i.e., points).

For example: if we were playing with two 2s showing on our table and drew another one from our deck (or dealer’s), we’d end up with three 2s in our hand; but if we drew another 10 instead? That would change everything!

Pair splitting basics in blackjack

If a player’s initial hand is a pair, that pair may be split into two hands. The player can either split the pair and play each separate hand as an independent hand, or they may hit and play only one of the two new hands created by splitting.

When pairs are split, each resulting hand will be dealt its own new cards. For example: if you receive Ace/A and 9/9 for your initial combination of cards, then you have what is referred to as “a soft 18,” meaning that even though your original card values add up to 18 (which would normally require you to stand), you’re able to go over 21 with this combination because it was made up of 2 different types of cards: an Ace from one suit plus another number from another suit (in this case 9). When splitting such a combination, there are 3 options available:

  • Hit – You can choose to take another card for both halves of your split combo without ever taking into account those additional cards’ rank or suit; these additional cards do NOT count toward a total value that would cause you to bust in any way whatsoever! If this happens during blackjack play then all bets become off since no outcome exists anymore—it’s simply impossible for anyone who plays at least once per day based on their calendar schedule.”

Double down when you have a 10 or 11, but not with a soft hand.

You should always double down when you have a 10 or 11, but not with a soft hand.

What’s a “soft” hand? It’s any hand that isn’t a hard total of 12 or less. So if you have an 8 and a 2, your total is 10—that’s called a soft hand.

How can you tell if your total is 12 or less? Your dealer will give you the option to double down before they deal out their first card, so look at that first card and see what it is. If the dealer has dealt himself an ace, skip the rest of this section because there is no point in doubling down when he has such an advantage over you (though obviously, this isn’t always true). Otherwise, use some common sense on whether or not it would be worth doubling down based on what number his face-up card is (or whether he doesn’t show one at all).

Never take insurance

The first rule of blackjack is to never take insurance. Insurance is a sucker bet. Bad things happen to people who take insurance. Bad things will happen to you if you take insurance unless you’re counting cards or are a math genius or something like that and have figured out how to make it work with some kind of edge over the house. No one else knows this secret—not even your local dealer, who may well be an undercover agent trying to get information about the mobsters that control all casinos in Las Vegas—so don’t tell anyone!

Always hit on 16 or less, and stand on 17 or more.

The rule of thumb is to hit on 16 or less and stand on 17 or more. If you have a 17 and the dealer shows a 3, it’s called “soft 18” and you have a push (meaning that neither player wins). If the dealer has 4, it’s also considered soft 18, but in this case, you lose your bet.

Blackjack is great – if you know what you’re doing

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games around, and it’s easy to learn if you know what you’re doing. The rules are simple: the dealer gets cards to face up, while players get cards hidden from view. Players can match the value of their hand with any other card in order to win more money.

You might think that sounds complicated, but don’t worry—you’ll be fine! If you want to hone your skills further, there are plenty of free blackjack tutorials online that will help explain everything from basic strategy to counting cards (if that’s something you’re into).

The house edge on blackjack is relatively small compared with other casino games like roulette or craps; this means that even if someone wins by pure luck every once in a while, he or she won’t walk away with much money over time. If somebody were playing for hours at a stretch without taking a break for food or water breaks every 10 minutes like I did when I first started playing online casinos back in 1998 (which was before my parents split up…weird), they’d probably come out ahead overall.”


Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games around, and it’s easy to learn if you know what you’re doing. If you follow these tips, then I’m sure that you will be playing like a pro in no time!